Saturday, 23 April 2016

What does this program do?
This program helps eligible communities prepare for, or recover from, an emergency that threatens the availability of safe, reliable drinking water for households and businesses.
Who may apply?
  • Most State and local governmental entities
  • Nonprofit organizations
Federally recognized Tribes i
What kind of event can qualify as an emergency?
  • Drought or flood
  • Earthquake
  • Tornado or hurricane
  • Disease outbreak
  • Chemical spill, leak or seepage
  • Other disasters
NOTE: A federal disaster declaration is not required
What is an eligible Area?
Areas that may be served include:
  • Rural areas and towns with 10,000 or fewer people--checkeligible addresses
  • Tribal Lands in rural areas i
  • Colonias i
The area to be served must also have a median household income less-than the state's median household income for non-metropolitan areas--contact your local RD office for details.
How may the funds be used?
  • Water transmission line grants up to $150,000 are for construction of waterline extensions, repairs to breaks or leaks in existing water distribution lines, and related maintenance necessary to replenish water supply
  • Water Source grants up to $500,000 are for construction of a new water source, intake and/or treatment facility
Are matching funds required?
  • Partnerships with other federal, state, local, private and non-profit entities are encouraged
How do we get started?
  • Applications for this program are accepted through your local RD office year round
  • Program Resources are available online (forms, guidance, certifications etc.)
Who can answer questions?
  • Contact your local RD office
  • Participating non-profit associations also offer assistance and training
What regulations govern this program?
  • Code of Federal Regulation, 7 CFR 1778
  • This program is authorized by Section 306A of the Consolidated Farm and Rural Development Act (CONACT)
Why does USDA Rural Development do this?
This program helps prevent damage or restore access to clean, reliable drinking water for households and businesses in eligible rural areas and towns following natural disasters. Good practices can save tax dollars, improve the natural environment and may be necessary for manufacturers and other types of businesses to locate or expand operations.
NOTE: Program details may change over time. Before you begin an application, please confirm you have the most current information by contacting your local representative or consult the Program Instructions listed in the section above titled "What Governs this Program?"


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